Public Procurement
Public Procurement Lawyer
The experience gained by assisting the company’s clients in going through all the stages within the public procurement procedures offers us a privileged position in the legal services market in the field.
We are able to assist clients both in drafting and preparing bids for public tenders and in drafting, submitting and supporting appeals to the National Council for the Settlement of Appeals (CNSC) against harmful acts committed by the Contracting Authority during the auction.
If you call us, our reaction will be quick, but you must keep in mind that any challenge or appeal, must be formulated and sent within 10 or 7 days (depending on the estimated value of the tender) from the moment of becoming aware of the harmful act committed by the Contracting Authority.
Consequently, if you have not contacted us since the beginning of the procedure, call us as soon as possible. Don’t forget to always have a complete copy of the submitted offer! It will be more than necessary to write the appeal in full knowledge of the facts!
You must choose us, you must choose a Public Procurement Lawyer because we know in detail the law of public procurement which makes us able to assist you both in the public tender procedure in all its forms, and later if you are dissatisfied with the procedural documents in the tender and the desire to attack or to challenge the acts or decisions of the contracting authority.
Public Procurement Refers To The Process By Which Public Authorities, Such As Government Departments Or Local Authorities, Purchase Work, Goods Or Services From Private Or Other Public Companies
Our advice covers all stages of a public tender, from the initial structuring phase, including legislative and regulatory issues, the development of the procedure, up to the point of contract negotiations as well as contract performance issues.
We provide legal assistance for both public authorities (e.g. preparing tender books and offers, drafting works, services and concession contracts) and private operators and investors (drafting applications and bids, obtaining clarifications during tender procedures, administrative and judicial claims).
However, our main activity is to represent our clients’ interests in front of the National Council for Solving Complaints (Romanian: Consiliul National pentru Solutionarea Contestatiilor – CNSC).
Our lawyers have obtained, through hard work and dedication, a significant number of expert qualifications in the field of Public Procurement.
We were especially successful in challenging public authorities’ decisions in important cases concerning areas such as construction, medical equipment supply, IT and education, but we also have a vast experience in almost all other fields of public procurement from Romania.