Company Formation

Setting up a company in Romania
You will be informed on all documents and formalities to be undertaken in order to set up a company in Romania. You will have all the information that is required by law regarding the legal form of a Romanian company, as well as the requirements under the law in regard to developing a particular economic activity. We will help you to identify the Romanian and European Union activity code for the activity you intend to develop in Romania. After we will incorporate your company we can help you to start the activity and to give you all directions you need in order to establish a good business in Romania.
At your request we can recommend you good accounting services or if you want to make your company visible to all your potential clients we can buy for you an internet .ro domain and recommend web design and web hosting companies.
Also, because of our specialization on Advertising and Media area we can set you appointments with well known advertising agencies or sales media house that will give you discounts on their standard rates.
You also must be informed that we try to connect our clients in order to ease their common goal of achieving a mutually beneficial growth in business. We are confident that only together we can make a difference. So if you choose us you will not have at your disposal only a team of lawyers but an entire professional network that will help you develop your activity.
Mergers & Acquisitions. Non Disclosure Agreements. Share Purchase Agreements.
Do you want to buy or sell a company? We are able to assist you on all negociation steps and procedures that lead to the closing of a share purchase agreement focusing your interests.
Non Disclosure Agreements are usually the first documents to be signed in order to start negotiation for selling or buying a company, please contact us before you have signed such a document or before you made any kind of agreement.
The road you have to take in order to achieve your goal will be a smooth one if you will choose us to represent you from the very beginning of your deal.
Most common Romanian legal types of company
Romania has five legal types of company but the majority is using only two legal forms and these are the limited liability company (Romanian: Societate cu Raspundere Limitata or S.R.L.) and the joint stock company (Romanian: Societate pe Actiuni or S.A.).
The limited liability company (S.R.L.) may be formed with one shareholder or with two or more shareholders. The minimum share capital required is 200 RON (around 40 EURO) and the minimum share value is 10 RON. A very important thing is that the company must have an unique registered address, in this respect you will have to conclude a rental agreement that will give the right to use the space and the address. However, there is a possibility to ask us to domiciliate the company at the law firm address but only temporary for a maximum of one year, but you have to keep in mind that on that period if the company does not rent or buy a business space of its own, the company domiciliated at the law firm address cannot undertake any activity.
Another condition is to have at least a registered administrator which must be a natural person or a legal entity represented by a natural person. Any shareholder may be also the administrator of the company.
S.A. may be formed starting with at least 2 shareholders. The minimum share capital required is RON 90,000 which is around EURO 25,000 (twentyfivethousands) and the minimum share value is RON 0.1 (zeropointone). For the administration of the company you can choose between two systems (unitary or dualist) which are suitable for companies that need a much complex organization . Also, this type of company must have a registered address just like the SRL. Also it is compulsory to have at least a registered administrator legal or natural person.
Both legal types of company must have an activity object that is formed from a main activity and one or more secondary activities. The main activity is the one estimated to bring the biggest revenues to the company. All activities are codified in the National Classification of the Economic Activities (Romanian: Clasificarea Activitatilor din Economia Nationala)