Romanian gas market opens for EU companies

  1. Do you need to bring labor force from EU-third countries and encounter difficulties?


Sora Lawyers can provide the necessary consultancy services and review the required documentation before the competent immigration authorities to ensure your file doesn’t face any obstacles.


  1. Have you already brought labor force from EU-third countries and are unsure about the next steps to take with the competent authorities?


Sora Lawyers offers legal assistance and representation before the IGI or Romanian consular missions concerning residence rights for employment and more.


  1. Are you facing abusive behavior from authorities, either as an employer or foreign worker?


Our experienced team, with many successes in front of public institutions and courts, can address a wide range of problems to ensure your interests are legally protected.


  1. Have you received an illegal and abusive return decision?


We will represent you before the courts, ensuring compliance with legal deadlines for appealing documents issued by the IGI, and our team will diligently protect your rights.


  1. Have you been informed that you are staying illegally in Romania without receiving further documentation?


Unfortunately, the concise legislation on foreigners can lead to abuses by the IGI. We can help you by representing you before the institution, preparing petitions, preliminary complaints, and obtaining additional comments as needed.


  1. Do you want to change your employer after entering Romania?


Sora lawyers can guide you and prepare the necessary documents to be submitted to any IGI territorial office, ensuring meticulous documentation review to prevent a new work permit refusal.


  1. Have you received a refusal to issue a work permit for one or more foreign citizens?


We are here to analyze the validity of the refusal and find optimal solutions for filing the prior procedure and subsequent annulment actions in court, as per legal provisions.


  1. Has your employing company undergone an unexpected inspection resulting in fines and suspension of work permit issuance for foreign citizens for 6 months due to legal violations?


Depending on the circumstances of your case, Sora lawyers will thoroughly analyze the situation and offer optimal, correct solutions. The contravention report can be contested in court, and our expertise has secured favorable outcomes for our clients, shielding them from baseless actions and abusive sanctions imposed by the General Inspectorate for Immigration.


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Call us: +0374015501


Corina Florea, Senior Lawyer

Radu Sora, Managing Lawyer

Sora Lawyers



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